Saturday, September 27, 2008


So, my mom wants me to tag along to a baby shower tomorrow for one of my cousins....and I don't want to go. This is a problem that I encounter often in my life, and I'm conflicted when it comes to which "school of thought" I should adopt. First of all, it's my cousin. I should be excited that she's having a baby right? So, I should just go. There's the first "school". It's my cousin, we have the same blood running through our veins. comes the second "school". I don't know her. We didn't grow up together. We live an hour away and the last time that we were on the same level and truly spent time together, I was seven years old. So part of me wants to know why I should take hours out of my day to attend a shower where I won't know anyone, just to make her (or my mom) happy. When she won't even notice that I'm there. What's the point? It also brings up the feelings that I've had since I was a little girl, the feelings that have festered inside of me especially since I started dating my current boyfriend. The women in his family are extremely close, and I realize that I don't have that. And I never will. So, I have to take what I can get. It makes me kind of sad, but I think I should be looking on the brighter side of life and realizing what I do have instead of what I don't.

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