Saturday, September 13, 2008


I feel like I'm always waiting. When I was in middle school, I was waiting to get to high school. In high school, I couldn't wait to get out to go to college. The first few jobs I held, it was always on my mind that they weren't forever, just until I found something better. Now that I'm in college, and in my last semester, I can't wait to graduate and get into my full-time job. I'm waiting to be married, I'm waiting to start a family, I'm waiting to start my career.

I guess what I'm always waiting for is something bigger, or something better. It wasn't until recently that I realized that I spend most of my time planning and preparing for the future instead of living in the present and enjoying what I have right now. So, my newest challenge to myself is this: Find the joy in everyday life. Appreciate everything I have right now. Enjoy the place that I'm at in my life now, because I won't be here again. And the rest should take care of itself.

It's easier said than done, but I'm working on it. With a schedule FULL of school and work, it's so easy to lose yourself to your schedule. The old cliche "take time to stop and smell the roses" comes to mind. My hope is that by the time I graduate, I may feel more settled and at peace. And that I may finally be able to smell those roses.


dotsmom said...

Well, you can either wait, or do. Sometimes, you have to wait, but, when you can, go do something!

K. Smith
Eng. 226

Ann said...

Awesome blog!